Manulani Aluli Meyer
Philosopher-Practitioner, NiU NOW! Manulani Aluli Meyer (I/Thou) grew up along the shorelines of Mokapu, Kailua, and Hilo Palikū. Manu is a native Hawaiian scholar-practitioner and a world Indigenous writer dedicated to the clear expression and creative activation of ancient knowledge systems. She earned her doctorate (Harvard Ed.D, 1998) on the topic of Hawaiian epistemology.
About this speaker
Manulani Aluli Meyer (I/Thou) is the fifth daughter of Emma Aluli and Harry Meyer who grew up along the shorelines of Mokapu, Kailua and Hilo Palikū. She is a twin sister to Moana and both are part of the larger Aluli ʻohana dedicated to Hawaiian rejuvenation. Manu is a native Hawaiian scholar-practitioner and a world Indigenous writer dedicated to the clear expression and creative activation of ancient knowledge systems to better address the needs of our time.
She earned her doctorate (Harvard Ed.D, 1998) on the topic of Hawaiian epistemology - philosophy of knowledge - and remains dedicated to its mythic capacity to inspire, instruct and heal. Manu is active in the cultural food sovereignty movement in Hawai'i and works at the University of Hawai'i West Oahu. Aunty Manu has been a wahine kalai pōhaku (rock carver) for many years and a haku ho'oponopono for most of her life.